Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Trucking along

Treatment #6 - the final one is tomorrow. I made it! I am still holding onto my hair and also holding my breath that Thursday it doesn't fall out. It usually takes about 2 weeks. I kinda like my hair right now so I wouldn't mind it staying around. I got my daily anticonvulsant drug level upped and hopefully that will help with the seizures. I'm trucking along. 2/27 is getting very near and I have already started with a stomach ache. My nerves will be working overtime this next week. Maybe while I am at the clinic tomorrow I will go into the chemo room and see if anyone is on Carboplatin to see what they think of it. I need some Yoga. I also need some vacation. I get a joyful week off of work in a few weeks so that will be nice. Too bad it's without pay. Damn economy.

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