Tuesday, April 14, 2009

No fun at the ER

I have a rash type thing going on on my legs that is actually petechiae. A symptom that my platelets are low. I noticed it at work yesterday and called my oncology nurse and she told me to head to the ER because I may need a transfusion. Holy SHIT! I headed out of work in a panic and tried to keep myself calm while I drove to the ER. This is the first time this has ever happened go me. Ugh! I called Todd and my family to let them know and my mom joined me in my 3.5 hour wait at the ER. Todd would be on his way in a flash if the situation was worse. Anyway... after all that, I waited for my blood levels and they sent me home with orders to repeat blood draw Wednesday. No transfusion. WTF? 3.5 hours. My doc was cute anyway.