Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Made an ass out of myself

I went to the doc to discuss further options for the Depo shot. The doc explained to me several options that we could explore. One was to discontinue using all hormone therapy and do a route cause. I would have to be clear of the effects of the shot and that would be about 5 months. Holy shit! I started thinking about all the things I went through. Bleeding everywhere- constantly being worried about leaking through - anemic. For some reason the office was really hot , they must have had cooling issues, but all the sudden I got HOT and couldn't really understand what he was saying, and then couldn't see. So here I am in the doctors office with my head between my knees, the nurse bringing me water and some cool cloths to rub on me to cool me off. Yep, that's me going through an emotional attack.

Option we decided to go with is sticking with the shot until October which will be a year and using back up meds if the bleeding comes back. Sounds ok to me for now. I really don't want 5 months of hell and then to go through tons of testing. We'll see how it works out closer to October.