Friday, December 19, 2008

On again

I started chemo on December 8. The same day I went back to work. The week was hard to adjust waking up at 530 instead of 8 and living on 7.5 hours of sleep instead of 9. I was ready to put my head on my desk and take a 10 min nap more than once! I am taking Temador for chemo again. I took it in 2000 and 2003. I will be taking it in combination with Avastin. I was supposed to get my first infusion of Avastin on the 12th but the nurses and docs were leery of giving it to me so close to my nose surgery so we are waiting on that until January 2. I am having a little nausea with the Temador and defiantly some fatigue but as I said before I have had a big adjustment to my schedule. I didn't get too much time to adjust because I still had 5 days of vacation time left to use up before the end of the year. So I worked 7 (!!!) days and now I have 19 days off. How nice is that? My company shuts down between Christmas and New Year - that's why I get so much time off.

Today we got 10 inches of snow and Todd and I got out the old snowmobile and went wild! It was great! We had a blast. I can't wait to see how sore my arms will be tomorrow because it was so hard to steer in all this snow. I was a little hesitant about going but you know... you only live once, right? AND the helmet will protect my head and my nose. So I went for it. I even did a jump. Just like old days when me and my sister would take it out and ride behind the school about 20 years ago. I can't believe that thing still runs. I'm glad I went - no one tell my docs, OK?

Call it karma- about 10 minutes after we got home I had a seizure.

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