Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I have been getting headaches almost daily for about the last 2 weeks. I'm hoping that it is related to my nose issue and not my brain issue. Geesh. It sounds like I need an issues list to keep track of all my ills.

I go to the nose doc Friday (at 650AM! WTF?) to see about her correcting my deviated septum and if it will help the never ending infection. I may be getting a nose job! I always thought my nose wasn’t bad at all. I’m not sure if it will effect the outer appearance at all.

I will also have a MRI in the next week to keep track of the brain. I should name my tumor(s - that is if I have to deal with another one). "'Ben' is coming into town again for a short stay so I decided to take another month off to deal with it". Yea, maybe that's not funny.

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