Saturday, December 1, 2007

Another success

I had another MRI on Thursday evening. I didn't' t get a chance to talk with Dr. M about it but I was seeing Dr. A Friday so it was cool. Dr. R called Friday morning and said all was stable!!! YES!! We will continue with another MRI in 6 weeks.

Friday was a good day. I started out waking up at 8 am, going to yoga, coming home and having a small breakfast then Todd and I got ready and went to lunch at Chili's. If I could start every day like that! Then we had to go downtown to the clinic to see the doc and get my treatment. My blood pressure is good, hemoglobin is a little low and I have some protein in my urine (the Avastin can cause this). We chatted with Dr. A for some time. I told him about the night sweats, the nose, the tiredness, on going bleeding, bloody nose. I asked him to do a hormone test on me to see if I am menopausal. I'll call on Monday to get the results. YIKES!

We came home last night and I was sleepy so we just laid on the couch and veged.

Todd is taking me on a date tonight. Dinner and a movie. Whoo hooooo!!!

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