Here I am laying on the table. I wanted a picture of it. I can't see what it looks like so here I am. It kinds freaks me out to look at it. I mean, it looks like I could be being tortured at any minute. Actually it kinda was near the end. They had me strapped in that mask for an hour. My ass was asleep and the back of my head was developing marks from the mesh cup that my head lay in. My dad called me and showed up. He couldn't let his little girl do it alone (awwww). That was nice of him although I got to see him for about 5 minutes before I went back into the room. Ah well. It was nice. After the treatment I went to the waiting room to collect my dad and my mom was sitting there. Double surprise! Dad had to go but mom stayed for the doc appt. The doc wanted to see me so she went too. He explained to me that he wanted to do 6 treatments instead of 4. I'm not concerned. He knows what he is doing, right? So we went over some stuff that we had already been over but mom had some questions. I love the way he answered one of hers! She wanted to know what happens with re-growth - if there were to be any. The doc told her she should not worry about that. She should focus on what is happening now. I hope she heard him.
So the treatment was a snap. I laid there , got zapped and went home. I worked out - I actually did 2 classes and now I am home. I have to take my steroids and then I am in for some TV watching. The best part of my day? MY SISTER RETURNS HOME TOMORROW!!!!!!! YES! I can't wait to here her voice. It's been a long 2 weeks.
One more thing. I love this - my friend's son called me today to tell me he was thinking about me and hopes I get better soon. He's 8. How cute is that?